Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Success through Trials

Thriving Through Trials
By Pre$ton Ely

"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."

- Henry Ford

How fitting for me. The Flip Factor is late.

It's late because my laptop exploded in a ball of fiery flames this morning. I knew today was going to be a challenge even before that happened.

Sure do hope I get all that information out of my laptop somehow. All of it compiled = my life.

I threw my back out doing dips in the gym a couple days ago. Doing dips. Who does that? Needless to say, the pain is pretty annoying.

I woke up yesterday morning with a sprained ankle. You heard me right. Some people wake up with a sore throat. I wake up with a sprained ankle. It hurts SO freakin bad. I literally have NO idea how this happened. I am, however, setting up a video camara in my bedroom to see just what in the he*l REALLY goes on at night while I'm unconscious. I suspect alien activity.

This article that you are currently reading is actually totally completed (albeit on a completely different topic and way funnier) a Word doc that is currently in computer hell right now.

I have a very important webinar to do tonight which requires, you guessed it, information from my ex-computer.

Plus I have some other fairly difficult personal things going on in the background.

Why am I vomiting all this stuff on you?

Well it's not to complain, that's for darn sure. Complainers are sissies.

I'm telling you all this because you need to know that I'm smiling as I type this. Literally. I wish you could see me. I am 100% confident that all this stuff will just work itself out. And more importantly, in my eyes, this merely confirms that I am about to become REALLY BIG.

"The night is always darkest before the sunrise."

Are you going through some tough times?

You are merely being prepared for bigger things. Big promotions require big people to handle them. And there is only one way to get big.

Suffer. There is no other way.

So keep your head up. Be of good cheer. Life is good! And good things are right around the corner...

if you believe they are.

